Dr.-Ing. Uwe Wagner
- Leiter Forschungsgruppe Motorsystem, alternative Kraftstoffe und Abgasnachbehandlung
CO 70.03+49 721 608-42363
uwe wagner ∂does-not-exist.kit edu
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76131 Karlsruhe
Influence of Lube Oil and Fuel Additives on the Particulate Raw Emission Behavior of Gasoline Engines
Böhmeke, C.; Heinz, L.; Wagner, U.; Koch, T.
2025. SAE International Journal of Fuels and Lubricants, 18 (1), 04–18. doi:10.4271/04-18-01-0004
Fuel Property Impact on Soot Emissions in SI-Engines: A Comprehensive Analysis of Gasoline Blends in RDE-Testing
Heinz, L.; Wagner, U.; Koch, T.
2024. Conference on Thermo- and Fluid Dynamics of Clean Propulsion Powerplants, 537–548, Universidad Politécnica de Valencia (UPV) -
An Analysis of the Combustion and Emissions Behavior of Different Mixture Formation Concepts With a Hydrogen ICE
Knapp, S. M.; Bucherer, M.; Kubach, H.; Wagner, U.; Koch, T.
2024, April 24. 13th Internationales AVL Emissions and Energy Forum (2024), Ludwigsburg, Deutschland, 23.–24. April 2024 -
Influence of Engine Operating Parameters and Different Fuels on the Soot Reactivity of Diesel Engines
Böhmeke, C.; Wagner, U.; Koch, T.
2024. ASME 2024 ICE Forward Conference, 10 S., The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME). doi:10.1115/ICEF2024-141676 -
Influence of the air–fuel-ratio and fuel on the reactivity of diesel soot
Böhmeke, C.; Wagner, U.; Koch, T.
2024. Automotive and Engine Technology, 9 (1), Art.: 7. doi:10.1007/s41104-024-00145-3 -
Innovative engine test bench set-up for testing of exhaust gas aftertreatment and detailed gas species analysis for CNG-SI-operation
Tomin, S.; Keller, K.; Wagner, U.; Lott, P.; Koch, T.; Deutschmann, O.
2024. Automotive and Engine Technology, 9 (1), Art.-Nr.: 2. doi:10.1007/s41104-024-00140-8 -
Effect of Dithering on Post-Catalyst Exhaust Gas Composition and on Short Time Regeneration of Deactivated PdO/Al
O Catalysts under Real Engine Conditions
Tomin, S.; Wagner, U.; Koch, T.
2024. SAE Technical Paper Series, 2024–37, SAE International. doi:10.4271/2024-37-0002 -
Fulfilling fuel specifications and resulting challenges of refuels
Weyhing, T.; Zabihigivi, M.; Toedter, O.; Wagner, U.; Koch, T.
2024. Internationaler Motorenkongress 2022 – Mobilität und Fahrzeugkonzepte von morgen, 95–105, Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden. doi:10.1007/978-3-658-44740-3_7 -
Influence of Lubricating Oil Additives on the Particulate Raw Emission Behavior of Gasoline Engines
Böhmeke, C.; Heinz, L.; Wagner, U.; Koch, T.
2024. MTZ worldwide, 62–66 -
Trends und Herausforderungen bei der Entwicklung von Wasserstoffmotoren
Kubach, H.; Bucherer, M.; Gerber, D.; Grüninger, M.; Heinz, A.; Knapp, S.; Koch, T.; Leimann, D.; Wagner, U.; Ziegler, J.
2024. Chemie Ingenieur Technik, 96 (1-2), 167–181. doi:10.1002/cite.202300119
Tools and methodologies for analysis and development of zero impact energy conversion based on hydrogen combustion
Ziegler, J.; Knapp, S.; Schmid, H. F.; Bucherer, M.; Reimer, J.; Grüninger, M.; Schweizer, T.; Pfeil, J.; Kubach, H.; Wagner, U.; Koch, T.
2023. International Symposium on Development Methodology. Ed.: C. Christ, 1 CD-ROM, AVL Deutschland -
Cold start behaviour of regenerative gasoline fuel blends down to -15 °C
Weyhing, T.; Wagner, U.; Toedter, O.; Koch, T.
2023. Proceedings 12. Tagung Einspritzung und Kraftstoffe WTZ Roßlau GmbH, 84–90, Forschungszentrum für Verbrennungsmotoren und Thermodynamik Rostock GmbH -
Influence of Real CNG Engine Emissions On PdO/Al
O Methane Oxidation Catalysts
Tomin, S.; Wagner, U.; Koch, T.
2023. Engineering Technology Open Access Journal, 5 (4), 01–08. doi:10.19080/ETOAJ.2023.05.555669 -
Ergebnisbericht reFuels – Kraftstoffe neu denken
Heinzmann, P.; Glöser-Chahoud, S.; Schultmann, F.; Langenmayr, U.; Ruppert, M.; Fichtner, W.; Arnold, U.; Dahmen, N.; Fuchs, C.; Lam, H.; Graf, D.; Rauch, R.; Haas-Santo, K.; Dittmeyer, R.; Weyhing, T.; Wagner, U.; Andresh, M.; Haase, M.; Patyk, A.; Scheer, D.; Schmieder, L.; Kölle, C.; Landgraf, M.; Koch, T.; Sauer, J.
2023. (O. Toedter, Hrsg.), Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT). doi:10.5445/IR/1000159935 -
A comprehensive evaluation of water injection in the diesel engine
Welscher, S.; Moradi, M. H.; Vacca, A.; Bloch, P.; Grill, M.; Wagner, U.; Bargende, M.; Koch, T.
2023. International Journal of Engine Research, 24 (1), 99–112. doi:10.1177/14680874211044297
Combined emission reduction with sustainable fuels and advanced exhaust aftertreatment in-cluding Catvap® technology = Kombinierte Emissionsminderung durch E-Fuels und verbesserte Abgasnachbehandlung mit der Catvap®-Technologie
Rümmele, F.; Sternberg, A.; Kakadiya, A.; Beutel, P.; Szolak, R.; Maliha, M.; Heinz, L.; Wagner, U.
2022, Oktober. 31. Aachen Colloquium Sustainable Mobility (2022), Aachen, Deutschland, 10.–12. Oktober 2022 -
Modeling the emissions of a gasoline engine during high-transient operation using machine learning approaches
Moradi, M. H.; Heinz, A.; Wagner, U.; Koch, T.
2022. International journal of engine research, 23 (10), 1708–1716. doi:10.1177/14680874211032381 -
G40 - Ein Schritt zu einem CO
-neutralen Benzinkraftstoff
Weyhing, T.; Koch, T.; Wagner, U.; Dahmen, N.
2022. MTZ - Motortechnische Zeitschrift, 83 (9), 30–36. doi:10.1007/s35146-022-0852-4 -
Marine route optimization using reinforcement learning approach to reduce fuel consumption and consequently minimize CO₂ emissions
Moradi, M. H.; Brutsche, M.; Wenig, M.; Wagner, U.; Koch, T.
2022. Ocean Engineering, 259, Article no: 111882. doi:10.1016/j.oceaneng.2022.111882 -
Machine learning and artifical intelligence application in land pollution research
Moradi, M. H.; Sohani, A.; Zabihigivi, M.; Wagner, U.; Koch, T.; Sayyaadi, H.
2022. Current Trends and Advances in Computer-Aided Intelligent Environmental Data Engineering, 273–296, Elsevier. doi:10.1016/B978-0-323-85597-6.00008-2 -
Traceable uncertainty of exhaust flow meters embedded in portable emission measurement systems
Schakel, M. D.; Stiphout, W.; Pettinen, R.; Zabihigivi, M.; Wagner, U.
2022. 19th International Flow Measurement Conference 2022, FLOMEKO 2022, International Measurement Confederation (IMEKO) -
Intelligent systems in air pollution research: a review
Sohani, A.; Moradi, M. H.; Rajski, K.; Golizadeh Akhlaghi, Y.; Zabihigivi, M.; Wagner, U.; Koch, T.
2022. Current Trends and Advances in Computer-Aided Intelligent Environmental Data Engineering, 59–82, Elsevier. doi:10.1016/B978-0-323-85597-6.00002-1 -
Der Wasserstoffmotor – Chancen und Herausforderungen auf dem Weg zu einer dekarbonisierten Mobilität
Lott, P.; Wagner, U.; Koch, T.; Deutschmann, O.
2022. Chemie - Ingenieur - Technik, 94 (3), 217–229. doi:10.1002/cite.202100155
Influence of Low Ambient Temperatures on the Exhaust Gas and Deposit Composition of Gasoline Engines
Appel, D.; Hagen, F. P.; Wagner, U.; Koch, T.; Bockhorn, H.; Trimis, D.
2021. Journal of energy resources technology, 143 (8), Art.-Nr.: 082306. doi:10.1115/1.4050492 -
reFuels – rethinking fuels : Performance of regenerative Fuels
Weyhing, T.; Zabihigivi, M.; Moradi, M.; Michler, T.; Ziegler, J.; Wagner, U.; Toedter, O.; Koch, T.
2021, Februar 28. 8. Internationaler Motorenkongress (2021), Baden-Baden, Deutschland, 23.–24. Februar 2021 -
reFuels – rethinking fuels: Performance of regenerative fuels
Weyhing, T.; Zabihigivi, M.; Moradi, M.; Michler, T.; Ziegler, J.; Wagner, U.; Toedter, O.; Koch, T.
2021. Internationaler Motorenkongress 2021. Hrsg.: J. Liebl, 569–577, Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden. doi:10.1007/978-3-658-35588-3_34 -
Formation of NOx and Formaldehyde in Oxymethylene Ether/n-Heptane Combustion: Engine Studies and Kinetic Modeling
Poschen, F.; Notheis, D.; Wagner, U.; Velji, A.; Olzmann, M.; Koch, T.
2021. 10th European Combustion Meeting (ECM 2021), Online, 14.–15. April 2021 -
Formation of NOx and Formaldehyde in Oxymethylene Ether/n-Heptane Combustion: Engine Studies and Kinetic Modeling
Poschen, F.; Notheis, D.; Wagner, U.; Velji, A.; Olzmann, M.; Koch, T.
2021. 10th European Combustion Meeting (ECM 2021), April 14-15, 2021, Virtual Edition. Proceedings Volume, MCM
reFuels - rethinking Fuels for CO2 neutral mobility
Toedter, O.; Dahmen, N.; Wagner, U.; Scheer, D.; Koch, T.; Sauer, J.
2020. SIA 2020 digital Powertain & Energy -
Formation of Nitrogen Dioxide and Formaldehyde in a Medium Duty Diesel Engine With Oxygenated Fuels
Notheis, D.; Wagner, U.; Velji, A.; Koch, T.
2020. Proceedings of the ASME Internal Combustion Engine Division Fall Technical Conference - 2020, The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME). doi:10.1115/ICEF2020-2923 -
Influence of Low Ambient Temperatures on the Exhaust Gas and Deposit Composition of Gasoline Engines
Appel, D.; Hagen, F. P.; Wagner, U.; Koch, T.; Bockhorn, H.; Trimis, D.
2020. ASME 2020 Internal Combustion Engine Division Fall Technical Conference, November 4–6, 2020, The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME). doi:10.1115/ICEF2020-2932 -
FAQ reFuels: Sollen reFuels den Verbrennungsmotor retten?
Wetzel, C.; Wiebe, S.; Wagner, U.
2020. doi:10.5445/IR/1000118682 -
RCCI in Heavy Duty Engines
Eise, F.; Heinz, L.; Wagner, U.; Koch, T.
2020. Thiesel 2020 - Thermo and fluid dynamic processes in direct injection engines, Valencia, Spain, 8th-11th September, 113–125 -
Experimentelle Untersuchungen der innermotorischen NO2-Bildung und deren Wechselwirkungen mit HCHO und NO bei Magergasmotore
Notheis, D.; Ritter, C.; Wagner, U.; Velji, A.; Koch, T.
2020. Spannungsfeld Fahrzeugantriebe - Gedenkschrift für Prof. Dr.-Ing. Roland Baar. Hrsg.: A. Salomon, 331–348, Universitätsverlag der TU Berlin -
Experimental and numerical investigations of NO₂ and HCHO formation in lean gas engines
Notheis, D.; Wagner, U.; Velji, A.; Koch, T.; Poschen, F.; Olzmann, M.
2020. 20. Internationales Stuttgarter Symposium. Hrsg.: M. Bargende. Bd. 1, 603–604, Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden. doi:10.1007/978-3-658-29943-9_46 -
Ladungswechsel als Energiequelle – Untersuchungen mit einem Turbogenerator im Ansaugtrakt
Weyhing, T.; Wagner, U.; Koch, T.; Thoma, W.; Fledersbacher, P.; Gohl, D.; Mühlebach, P.; Sigg, D.
2020. Experten-Forum Powertrain: Ladungswechsel und Emissionierung 2019 – Moderne Antriebe – emissionsarm, elektrifiziert und variabel. Ed.: J. Liebl, 71–86, Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden. doi:10.1007/978-3-658-28709-2_6
Untersuchung zum Gesamtfehler bei Emissionsmessungen auf der Straße
Appel, D.; Wagner, U.; Koch, T.
2019. Motortechnische Zeitschrift, 80 (5), 66–72. doi:10.1007/s35146-019-0024-3 -
Development of Valve Train Configurations Optimized for Cold Start and Their Effect on Diesel Soot Emission
Maniatis, P.; Erforth, D.; Wagner, U.; Koch, T.
2019. SAE technical papers, Paper: 2019–24. doi:10.4271/2019-24-0161 -
Performance evaluation of an IC-engine with a novel partial admission turbocharger concept
Schatz, M.; Seeger, F.; Vogt, D. M.; Koch, S.; Notheis, D.; Wagner, U.; Koch, T.
2019. 19. Internationales Stuttgarter Symposium - Automobil- und Motorentechnik. Ed.: M. Bargende, 757–771, Vieweg Verlag. doi:10.1007/978-3-658-25939-6_60 -
Sector coupling established by the technology partnership reFuels - rethinking fuels
Toedter, O.; Wagner, U.; Koch, T.; Dahmen, N.; Pitter, S.; Sauer, J.; Scheer, D.
2019. 12. International Colloquium Fuels, Esslingen, 25 - 26 Juni 2019, 5–10, Technische Akademie Esslingen (TAE) -
A model-based and experimental approach for the determination of suitable variable valve timings for cold start in partial load operation of a passenger car single-cylinder diesel engine
Maniatis, P.; Wagner, U.; Koch, T.
2019. International journal of engine research, 20 (1), 141–154. doi:10.1177/1468087418817119
Efficient Heating Strategies for Diesel Engines by means of Variable Valve Timing
Maniatis, P.; Koch, T.; Wagner, U.
2018, September 18. Sino-EU Doctoral School for Sustainability Engineering, Tongji University, Shanghai, China, 16 - 21 September 2018 -
An Approach for Modeling the Effects of Valve Lift Characteristics on Partial Load Operation in Diesel Engines
Maniatis, P.; Wagner, U.; Koch, T.
2018, Juli 5. wkm-Symposium (2018), Darmstadt, Deutschland, 4.–5. Juli 2018 -
Der Dieselmotor im Spannungsfeld öffentlicher Wahrnehmung, realer Gegebenheiten und Zukunftsfähigkeit
Wagner, U.
2018, Mai 8. Trends der Fahrzeugtechnik, Seminarreihe des Technologietransferzentrum Automotive der HS Coburg (2018), Coburg, Deutschland, 8. Mai 2018 -
Combustion engines – today and in the future
Wagner, U.
2018, März 15. 9th VERT Forum at Empa (2018), Dübendorf, Schweiz, 15. März 2018 -
Experimental investigations of variable valve trains in combination with a second opening of an exhaust valve in partial load operation of a passenger car single-cylinder diesel engine
Maniatis, P.; Wagner, U.; Koch, T.
2018. Thiesel 2018 - Thermo and fluid dynamic processes in direct injection engines, Valencia, Spain, 11th-14th September 2018 -
Biogenic and Synthetic Fuels – Chances and Risks from ReFuels
Koch, T.; Wagner, U.; Sauer, J.; Toedter, O.
2018. 3. Tagung der Fuels Joint Research Group (FJRG 2018), Braunschweig, Deutschland, 20.–21. September 2018 -
Potential of Variable Valve Train in Partial Load Operation of Diesel Engines
Maniatis, P.; Koch, T.; Wagner, U.
2018. The new compression ignition engine, electrification and sustainable fuels for passenger cars and commercial vehicles : International Conference and Exhibition SIA Powertrain : Rouen, France, 16-17 May 2018, 321–332, Société des ingénieurs de l’automobile -
Experimental and simulative analysis of the NO2 formation in Diesel engines
Notheis, D.; Wagner, U.; Koch, T.; Olzmann, M.; Rößler, M.; Velji, A.; Janzer, C.; Zimmermann, F.
2018. 13th International AVL Symposium on Propulsion Diagnostics (2018), Baden-Baden, Deutschland, 26.–27. Juni 2018
Der Dieselmotor und sein Einfluss auf die Umwelt
Notheis, D.; Toedter, O.; Wagner, U.; Koch, T.
2017. ÖGEW Herbsttagung "Herausforderung an Mobilität und Transport" (2017), Wien, Österreich, 30. November–1. Dezember 2017
Converting Diesel engines to SI engines with alternative fuels with ultralow emissions
Bach, F.; Wagner, U.; Koch, T.
2015. SIA POWERTRAIN - The low CO2 spark ignition engine of the future and its hybridization - International Conference and Exhibition, Versailles, France, May 27 - 28, 2015, 1 CD-ROM, SIA
Otto & Diesel - Wie geht’s? - Beitrag bei Radio KIT am 15.05.2014
Kiemle, H.; Wagner, U.
2014. doi:10.5445/DIVA/2014-377
Advanced heterogeneous diesel combustion with ultra-low engine emissions and low fuel consumption levels
Wagner, U.; Spicher, U.
2013. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers / D, 227 (1), 110–119. doi:10.1177/0954407012441888 -
Optimization of Mixture Formation in Medium Speed Dual-Fuel and Gas Engines with Support of Advanced Optimization Techniques and Optical Measurements
Waldenmaier, U.; Djuranec, S.; Stiesch, G.; Unfug, F.; Wagner, U.
2013. 27th CIMAC World Congress on Combustion Engine - Technology for Ship Propulsion Power Generation Rail Trac, Shanghai, CN, May 13-16, 2013 -
Ottomotorische Selbstzündung mit Dieselpiloteinspritzung
Eichmeier, J.; Bach, F.; Sauer, C.; Wagner, U.
2013. Motortechnische Zeitschrift, 74 (4), 342–348. doi:10.1007/s35146-013-0083-9 -
Vehicle Warm-up Analysis with Experimental and CO-Simulation Methods
Ghebru, D.; Donn, C.; Zulehner, W.; Kubach, H.; Wagner, U.; Spicher, U.
2013. World Automotive Congress (FISITA), Beijing, China, 27–30 November 2012. Vol.: 8, 1377–1390, Springer-Verlag. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-33738-3_37 -
Analysis of the fuel consumption reduction potential for off-road engine applications by decoupled and demand-controlled auxiliaries = Potenzialanalysen entkoppelter und bedarfsgerecht angetriebener Nebenaggregate von Motoren mobiler Arbeitsmaschinen
Berlenz, S.; Otto, F.; Wagner, U.
2013. Heavy-duty, On- and Off-Highway Engines : 8th International MTZ Conference ; Ludwigsburg, Germany, 5. - 6. November 2013. Ed.: W. Siebenpfeiffer, 1 CD-ROM, ATZlive -
Analyses of the fuel consumption reduction potential for off-road engine applications by decoupled and demand-controlled auxiliaries
Berlenz, S.; Otto, F.; Wagner, U.
2013. 8th International MTZ Conference ’Heavy-Duty-, On- und Off-Highway-Motoren’, Ludwigsburg, November 5-6, 2013 -
Verbrauchsreduzierung durch Drehzahlentkopplung von Nebenaggregaten an mobilen Arbeitsmaschinen
Berlenz, S.; Otto, F.; Wagner, U.; Geimer, M.
2013. Hybridantriebe für mobile Arbeitsmaschinen. 4. Fachtagung des VDMA und des Karlsruher Instituts für Technologie, 20. Februar 2013, Karlsruhe. Hrsg.: M. Geimer, 37–48, KIT Scientific Publishing
Controlling Gasoline Low Temperature Combustion by Diesel Micro Pilot Injection
Eichmeier, J.; Wagner, U.; Spicher, U.
2012. Journal of engineering for gas turbines and power, 134 (7), 072802. doi:10.1115/1.4005997 -
Characterization of Particulate Emissions for a Light Duty EURO-5 Diesel Engine during normal operation as well as DPF-Regeneration
Wagner, U.; Berlenz, S.; Skubella, M.; Möhler, O.; Saathoff, H.
2012. THIESEL Conference on Thermo- and Fluid Dynamic Processes in Direct Injection Engines, Valencia, Spain, September 11th-14th 2012 -
Single Particle Soot Photometer intercomparison at the AIDA chamber
Laborde, M.; Schnaiter, M.; Linke, C.; Saathoff, H.; Naumann, K.-H.; Möhler, O.; Berlenz, S.; Wagner, U.; Taylor, J. W.; Liu, D.; Flynn, M.; Allan, J. D.; Coe, H.; Heimerl, K.; Dahlkötter, F.; Weinzierl, B.; Wollny, A. G.; Zanatta, M.; Cozic, J.; Laj, P.; Hitzenberger, R.; Schwarz, J. P.; Gysel, M.
2012. Atmospheric measurement techniques discussions, 5 (3), 3519–3573. doi:10.5194/amtd-5-3519-2012 -
Single Particle Soot Photometer intercomparison at the AIDA chamber
Laborde, M.; Gysel, M.; Schnaiter, M.; Linke, C.; Saathoff, H.; Naumann, K.-H.; Möhler, O.; Taylor, J. W.; Flynn, M.; Allan, J. D.; Coe, H.; Heimerl, K.; Dahlkötter, F.; Weinzierl, B.; Wollny, A. G.; Cozic, J.; Flores, M.; Berlenz, S.; Wagner, U.; Liu, D.; Laj, P.; Hitzenberger, R.; Schwarz, J. P.; Zanatta, M.
2012. Atmospheric measurement techniques, 5 (12), 3077–3097. doi:10.5194/amt-5-3077-2012 -
Influence of Different Injection Pressures for a New Split Injection Strategy
Binde, A.; Dörner, D.; Wagner, U.
2012. Thermo-and fluid dynamic processes in direct injection engines (THIESEL), Valencia, Spain, September 11th-14th 2012, CMT-Motores Térmicos -
Investigation of Fuel Spray Propagation, Combustion and Soot Formation/Oxidation in a Single Cylinder Medium Speed Diesel Engine
Unfug, F.; Beck, K. W.; Pfeil, J.; Wagner, U.; Waldenmaier, U.; Celik, O.; Jaeschke, J.; Metzger, J.
2012. ASME Internal Combustion Engine Division Fall Technical Conference, Vancouver, BC, Canada, September 23-26, 2012, 35–45, The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME). doi:10.1115/ICEF2012-92038 -
Effect of different nozzle geometries using Pure Rapeseed Oil in a modern Diesel engine on combustion and exhaust emissions
Lüft, M.; Wagner, U.; Spicher, U.; Sarikoc, F.
2012. SAE International journal of fuels and lubricants, 5 (1), 180–189. doi:10.4271/2011-01-1947 -
Low Temperature Gasoline Combustion With Diesel Micro-Pilot Injection In A Six-Cylinder Heavy Duty Engine
Bach, F.; Hampe, C.; Wagner, U.; Spicher, U.; Sauer, C.
2012. Proceedings of the ASME Internal Combustion Engine Division Fall Technical Conference, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, September 23 - 26, 2012, 349–359, The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) -
NOx Reduction by a New Split Injection Strategy
Binde, A.; Wagner, U.
2012. Innovative technologies for future emissions targets: Proceedings of the International SIA Diesel Powertrain Conference, Rouen, France, June 5-6, 2012, 1 CD-Rom, SIA -
Visualization of Particulate Matter in a Heavy Duty Diesel Engine via Laser Optical Techniques
Busch, S.; Roßbach, M.; Wagner, U.; Suntz, R.; Velji, A.; Bockhorn, H.; Spicher, U.
2012. Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Modeling and Diagnostics for Advanced Engine Systems (COMODIA 2012), Fukuoka, Japan, July 23-26, 2012, 476–481, JSME -
Teilhomogene Verbrennung in Off-Highway-Motoren als Alternative zur Erfüllung zukünftiger Emissionsgesetzgebungen
Bach, F.; Eichmeier, J.; Wagner, U.; Spicher, U.; Sauer, C.; Schneemann, A.; Teetz, C.
2012. Beiträge / 10. Internationales Symposium für Verbrennungsdiagnostik, Baden-Baden, 22.-23. Mai 2012, 76–91, AVL Deutschland -
Soot and NOx Reduction by Spatially Separated Pilot Injection
Binde, A.; Busch, S.; Velji, A.; Wagner, U.
2012. SAE International Journal of Engines, 5 (3), 1242–1259. doi:10.4271/2012-01-1159
Advanced Heterogeneous Diesel Combustion with ultra-low engine out emissions and low fuel consumption
Wagner, U.
2011, August 2. 4. International Symposium on Clean and High-Efficiency Combustion in Engines, Tianjin, China, 2011 -
Optical and Numerical Investigation of Spray Formation and Flame Luminosity in a Single Cylinder Medium Speed Diesel Engine
Unfug, F.; Beck, K.; Pfeil, J.; Wagner, U.; Waldenmaier, U.; Metzger, J.; Porten, P.; Stiesch, G.
2011. JSAE Annual Conference, Yokohama, Japan, May 21 - 23, 2011 -
Laboratory study on the UV-VIS-NIR light absorption properties of combustion aerosols by means of four different photoacoustic instruments
Schnaiter, M.; Linke, C.; Naumann, K.-H.; Saathoff, H.; Möhler, O.; Flores, M.; Rudich, Y.; Wollny, A.; Flynn, M.; Taylor, J.; Laborde, M.; Gysel, M.; Berlenz, S.; Wagner, U.
2011. 10th International, Conference on Carbonaceous Particles in the Atmosphere (ICCPA), Vienna, Austria, 26-29. Juni 2011 -
Anpassung der Kraftstoffeinspritzung für den Betrieb moderner Dieselmotoren mit reinem Rapsöl
Lüft, M.; Bernhardt, S.; Wagner, U.; Spicher, U.
2011. Kraftstoffe der Zukunft 2011: 8. Internationaler Fachkongress für Biokraftstoffe des BBE und der UFOP, Berlin, 24.-25. Januar 2011, 1 CD-Rom, Berlin -
Controlling Gasoline Low Temperature Combustion by Diesel Micro Pilot Injection
Eichmeier, J.; Wagner, U.; Spicher, U.
2011. Proceedings of the ASME Internal Combustion Engine Division Fall Technical Conference, Morgantown, West Virginia, USA, September 2-5, 2011, 361–372, The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) -
Design and Flow Analysis of a Novel Optically Accessible Heavy Duty Diesel Research Engine
Busch, S.; Kleindienst, M.; Dahnz, C.; Wagner, U.; Spicher, U.
2011. Proceedings of the ASME Internal Combustion Engine Division Fall Technical Conference, Morgantown, West Virginia, USA, September 2-5, 2011, 837–846, The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
Investigations of the Formation and Oxidation of Soot Inside a Direct Injection Spark Ignition Engine Using Advanced Laser-Techniques
Velji, A.; Yeom, K.; Wagner, U.; Spicher, U.; Rossbach, M.; Suntz, R.; Bockhorn, H.
2010. SAE 2010 World Congress & Exhibition, Detroit, MI; United States, 13. April 2010, 1–15, SAE International. doi:10.4271/2010-01-0352 -
Influence of Injection Nozzle Hole Diameter on Highly Premixed and Low Temperature Diesel Combustion and Full Load Behavior
Kuhnert, S.; Wagner, U.; Spicher, U.; Haas, S.-F.; Gabel, K.; Kutschera, I.
2010. SAE 2010 Powertrains, Fuels and Lubricants Meeting, San Diego, California, USA, October 25 - 27, 2010, paper 2010–01, SAE International. doi:10.4271/2010-01-2109 -
Anpassung moderner Dieselmotoren an Pflanzenölkraftstoffe
Lüft, M.; Bernhardt, S.; Wagner, U.; Spicher, U.
2010. Herausforderung - Abgasnachbehandlung für Dieselmotoren. 8. FAD-Konferenz, Dresden, 3.-4. November 2010 [Proceedings], 1 CD-Rom, FAD -
Investigation of the inflow behavior of a Diesel particulate filter using laser-optical measurement techniques during soot loading and filter regeneration with the aim of improving these processes
Schwenger, C.; Wagner, U.; Spicher, U.
2010. THIESEL 2010 / Conference on Thermo- and Fluid Dynamic Processes in Diesel Engines, Valencia, Spain, September 14-17, 2010, 1 USB-Stick, Universitat Politècnica de València -
Optical and Numerical Investigation of the Combustion Process in a Single Cylinder Medium Speed Diesel Engine
Waldenmaier, U.; Metzger, J.; Porten, P.; Stiesch, G.; Heidenreich, T.; Wagner, U.
2010. Abstracts of papers / 26th CIMAC World Congress on Combustion Engines, Bergen, Norway, June 14-17, 2010, 34, Seehafen-Verl
Herausforderungen und Lösungsansätze bei der Anpassung moderner Großdieselmotoren an Pflanzenölkraftstoffe
Lüft, M.; Bernhardt, S.; Wagner, U.; Spicher, U.
2009. Heavy Duty-, On-/Off-Highway Engines - MTZ-ATZ-Konferenz, Friedrichshafen, 17. - 18. November 2009, 1 CD-ROM, ATZlive -
A new injection strategy with high potential to minimize soot and NOx emissions for Diesel engines with direct injection
Wagner, U.; Merkel, S.; Velji, A.; Spicher, U.
2009. Injection Systems for IC Engines: IMechE Conference, London, UK, May 13-14, 2009. Ed.: R. Horrocks, Chandos Publ -
Analyzation of the injection behavior of Pure Rape Seed Oil in modern Diesel Engines
Lüft, M.; Wagner, U.; Bernhardt, S.; Spicher, U.
2009. Kraftstoffe der Zukunft 2009: 7. Internationaler Fachkongress für Biokraftstoffe des BBE und der UFOP. Tagungsbeiträge, Berlin, 30. November - 1. Dezember 2009, 5 S., BBE
Investigation of a New Injection Strategy for Simultaneous Soot and NOx Reduction in a Diesel Engine with Direct Injection
Merkel, S.; Eckert, P.; Wagner, U.; Velji, A.; Spicher, U.
2008. SAE International journal of fuels and lubricants, 1 (1), 1433–1442. doi:10.4271/2008-01-1790 -
Eine neue Einspritzstrategie mit räumlicher Trennung der Vor- und Haupt-Einspritzung zur Russreduzierung bei Dieselmotoren mit Direkteinspritzung = A new injection strategy with spatial Separation ofpilot and main injection for soot reduction in diesel engines with direct injection
Wagner, U.; Velji, A.; Spicher, U.; Merkel, S.; Eckert, P.
2008. Beiträge / 8. Internationales Symposium für Verbrennungsdiagnostik, 10./11. Juni 2008 Kurhaus Baden-Baden = Proceedings / 8th International Symposium on Combustion Diagnostics, 374–389, AVL Deutschland -
Possibilities of Simultaneous in-Cylinder Reduction of Soot and NO× Emissions for Diesel Engines with direct Injection
Wagner, U.; Spicher, U.; Velji, A.; Eckert, P.; Merkel, S.
2008. Proceedings of the ISROMAC-12: the Twelfth International Symposium on Transport Phenomena and Dynamics of Rotating Machinery, Honolulu, Hawaii, February 17 - 22 nd, 2008, CD-ROM, Honolulu
Eine neue Einspritzstrategie zur besseren Luftausnutzung bei Dieselmotoren mit Direkteinspritzung = A new injection strategy with improved air utilization for direct injection diesel engines
Merkel, S.; Eckert, P.; Wagner, U.; Velji, A.; Spicher, U.
2007. 8. Tagung Motorische Verbrennung - Aktuelle Probleme und moderne Lösungsansätze, München, DE, 15. - 16. März 2007. Hrsg.: A. Leipertz, 45–56, ESYTEC Energie- u. Systemtechnik -
Comparative Study to Assess the Soot Reduction Potential of Different In-Cylinder Methods and Exhaust Gas Aftertreatment Systems for Direct Injection Diesel Engines
Spicher, U.; Wagner, U.; Merkel, S.; Eckert, P.
2007. Papers / Commercial Vehicle Engineering Congress and Exhibition and Powertrain & Fluid Systems Conference, Rosemont, Illinois, October 29 - November 1, 2007, 2007–01, SAE International -
Investigation of soot concentration and particle size distribution on a single cylinder Diesel engine
Stumpf, M.; Merkel, S.; Eckert, P.; Wagner, U.; Velji, A.; Spicher, U.; Möhler, O.
2007. ASME 2007 Internal Combustion Engine Division Fall Technical Conference, Charleston, South Carolina, USA, October 14–17, 2007, 685–696, The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME). doi:10.1115/ICEF2007-1709
Untersuchungen zur Entwicklung einer rußfreien Verbrennung bei Dieselmotoren mit Direkteinspritzung
Wagner, U.; Merkel, S.; Spicher, U.
2006. LUBW Landesanstalt für Umwelt Baden-Württemberg -
Experimental Investigations of a Soot- free Combustion Process in Direct Injection Diesel Engines
Spicher, U.; Velji, A.; Wagner, U.; Merkel, S.
2006. The @diesel engine: the low CO2 and emissions reduction challenge: proceedings of the International conference, 31st may - 1st june 2006, Ecole centrale de Lyon = Le moteur diesel: challenge de la réduction du CO2 et des émissions: proceedings / Congrès international, 31 mai - 1er juin 2006, École centrale de Lyon, CD-ROM, Société des ingénieurs de l’automobile -
Experimentelle Untersuchungen außer und innermotorischer Maßnahmen zur Rußminderung bei Dieselmotoren. Dissertation
Wagner, U.
2006. Logos Verlag Berlin
An Experimental Study to assess the Potential of HCCI Combustion with Various Fules for Light Duty Engines
Velji, A.; Wagner, U.; Wiemer, S.; Spicher, U.
2005. Homegeneous Charge Compression Ignition Symposium (SAE HCCI), Lund, Schweden, 18.- 20. September 2005. Ed.: R. Reitz, Professional Engineering Publishing -
Development and Testing of a Diesel Particulate Filter with an Electrical Regeneration Starting Module
Spicher, U.; Wagner, U.; Velji, A.
2005. Proceedings of the Powertrain & Fluid Systems Conference and Exhibition, San Antonio, Texas, USA, October 24 - 27, 2005, 2005–01, SAE International -
Entwicklung und Erprobung eines DPF-Systems zur elektrischen Regenerationseinleitung
Spicher, U.; Wagner, U.; Velji, A.
2005. Vortrag / Herausforderung Abgasnachbehandlung für Dieselmotoren: Beiträge, 3. FAD-Konferenz, Dresden, 09.11. - 10.11.2005 in Dresden [Proceedings], 99–112, FAD -
HCCI Combustion with various Fuels heavy and light duty
Spicher, U.; Wagner, U.; Anca, R.; Velji, A.; Merker, G.; Pöttker, S.
2005. Proceedings of the 2005 spring technical conference of the ASME Internal Combustion Engine Division: advanced technology, fuels and combustion, engine design, lubrication and friction, instrumentation and control. Presented at spring technical conference of the ASME Internal Combustion Engine Division, April 5 - 7, 2005, Chicago, Illinois, USA, The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
Investigations of HCCI Combustion Using Multi-Stage Direct-Injection with Synthetic Fuels
Pöttker, S.; Eckert, P.; Delebinski, T.; Baumgarten, C.; Oehlert, K.; Merker, G. P.; Wagner, U.; Spicher, U.
2004. Powertrain & Fluid Systems Conference & Exhibition Tampa, Florida USA, October 25-28, 2004, SAE International. doi:10.4271/2004-01-2946
An Experimental Study of Homogeneous Charge Compression Ignition (HCCI) with Various Compression Ratios, Intake Air Temperatures and Fuels with Port and Direct Fuel Injection
Spicher, U.; Wagner, U.; Anca, R.; Velji, A.
2003. Proceedings of the Future Transportation Technology Conference, Costa Mesa, California, June 23 - 25, 2003, 2003–01, Society of Automotive Engineers -
Homogene Dieselverbrennung mit innerer und äußerer Gemischbildung
Spicher, U.; Anca, R.; Wagner, U.; Velji, A.
2003. Vortrag beim 5. Dresdner Motorenkolloquium: zukünftige Brennverfahren für Dieselmotoren, 5. und 6. Juni 2003, HTW Dresden